Grepolis Terminology

Dodging – Moving your units out of your city, allowing the incoming attack to hit absolutely nothing. Remember to spend your resources before the attack hits to reduce stolen loot. IMPORTANT: activate militia! (no BP’s are rewarded to the enemy).

Sniping – Timing your troops or ships to hit just before or after a Colony Ship (CS) lands in your/their city. Variable terms below;

Offensive Snipe – This means timing your offensive troops or ships to strike your own city just after an enemy Colony Ship has landed in your city.
If timed correctly, your units should kill the CS before any reinforcements arrive.

Defensive Snipe – Once you have spotted an enemy CS incoming, you can time your defensive units to land in your own city just before the CS lands – but after the inevitable enemy waves hit your city. Spy’s may have given info that new support does not take into account after CS launch.

Nuke – An attack consisting of one type of unit (eg. a slinger nuke of 1000 slingers only). Designed if no sea/land defense to oblitarate your troops.

Myth Nuke – A term used to describe a mythical unit only attack or defense to stop a CS.

Fake – An attack consisting of a single unit to scare or deceive an enemy.

Shading/Ghosting – The god Athena has the Wisdom power, Zeus has Rage and Poseidon has Sea Storm. These god attacks can be used on an incoming attacks to whatever is being sent your way, likewise your enemies can do the same. To stop an enemy from doing this, place a power on your OWN attack, ie. Zeus’s favourable wind, Athena’s heroic power, or Hades helmet of invisibility (lasts 10% of journey).

Spiking – A tactic in which a player places defensive troops in an inactive / ghost city – keeping it safe from an enemy trying to take it. Variable definitions below:

Offensive Snipe – A mythical unit attack to kill a CS. This includes flying myth units such as Manticores or Harpy’s. These flying units fly OVER the naval ships defending the city, killing the troops and hence destroying the CS, ending the siege.

Defensive Snipe – A mythical unit defence using the Pegasus unit.
The Pegasus is the fastest unit in the game, and is ideal for sniping a CS.
IMPORTANT: You MUST change your city to the god ATHENA so the units can land, otherwise they will be returned to sender without landing.

Tripwire – A tactic used by fellow alliance members to safeguard your city. A single unit is sent to a friendly city, if an enemy attacks, a report will be sent to the “trip wire” sender; alerting them you are under attack.

Stacking – A key tactic in Grepolis. It employs nearly every member of the alliance to “stack” a friendly city with defensive troops. For example: 10 biremes from every member of the alliance to a single player under constant threat = over 1000 biremes. These units can be kept for a long duration of time. This tactic can be employed when attempting to siege a city as well.

Cave Bomb – This tactic entails multiple members of the alliance spying on a single enemy player using 1000 silver spies only. The aim is to completely deplete the enemy cave, fill his “reports” to hide attacks, and keep him unaware of who might be CS’ing him.

Turtle – Players which focus mainly on defensive troops. The cities are extremely close together, sometimes inhabiting entire islands. Never looks to expand into other oceans etc.

Clearing Wave – An offensive attack used to clear an enemy harbour.
You should only be sending Light Ships for this job. Once the harbour is “cleared” it is generally safe to then send in ground units. Remember an enemy could be dodging your naval clearing waves, and waiting for you to send unprotected transport ships.

Grepolis Dictionary:
LS=Light Ship
FS=Fire Ship
TB=Transport Boat
FTB=FTS=Fast Transport Boat/ship
LDU=Land Defensive Units
LOU=Land Offensive Units
CS=Colony Ship

Grepolis Slang:

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